Monday, June 18, 2012

A Lesson From The Vending Machine

I tend to meditate and think a lot about the things of God and how they relate to our lives and God often lays something in my heart to share...

And in this regard, God has laid a word in my heart that says that people are more of "fame seekers" than "kingdom servers". What do I mean? Well, this is what the Lord is saying...

A vending machine is used to dispense refreshments of all sorts and when a person is thirsty, this particular person goes to the vending machine to get a coke right? Right. Now, when the person is refreshed by the coke, does the vending machine get the credit or the actual coke?

In the same way, people enter ministry and preach the Word of God but instead of giving God the glory, they proclaim their own 'greatness'.

Being able to preach does not say anything about you - you are merely a vessel that God uses. It is truly an honour and privilege for anyone to preach the Word of God.

NEVER EVER think you are better than anyone just because God has anointed you into ministry; a vending machine is useless without electricity and in the same way, without God your 'preaching ability' is worthless.

All glory goes to God. Ministry and leadership is and will never be about fame or celebrity-like lifestyles.

If you're in ministry to 'glorify' yourself and be 'the best' - then there's something wrong!

I have spoken.

Kind Regards
Lebogang Mokubela
Junior Project Manager - Perx Agency
(Cell) - 0785785781
(Office) - 0113670669

Monday, June 4, 2012

I'm feeling poetic :)

I have weaknesses and I lack some things but you make up for my weaknesses and my lack - you complement me, if only you would realize that.

My heart cries out for you, not because I love how your brown glitter in the sunlight, but because your soul is a reflection of what I could become - you complete me, if only you would realize that.


Kind Regards
Lebogang Mokubela
Junior Project Manager - Perx Agency
(Cell) - 0785785781
(Office) - 0113670669

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sometimes, it takes time...

The longer a teabag stays in hot water, the richer the taste and aroma of the tea...what am I saying?

Well, your destiny will sometimes take longer, because God is making you richer in character, value, knowledge, and wisdom.

Learn to trust God in everything, people are becoming millionaires all over, yes, but when you get there you will leave a legacy rather than wealth.

Kind Regards
Lebogang Mokubela
Junior Project Manager - Perx Agency
(Cell) - 0785785781
(Office) - 0113670669

Friday, May 25, 2012

IAM4G T-Shirt

This shirt is not just another piece of material sewn together with a colourful print on the front. But this shirt is a personal declaration...

Whenever you wear this shirt, you declare that you are made 4 God's glory.

Whenever you wear this shirt, you declare that you will share God's love, one act at a time.

Whenever you wear this shirt, it is a personal and public declaration that you are made by God for His own pleasure.


To order, call me on +2778 578 5781 or email me on

Thank you and have nice day!

Don't forget to smile at someone today - you might just make their day (^^,)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

This is LiFE

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.

Life is beauty, admire it.

Life is a dream, realize it.

Life is a challenge, meet it.

Life is a duty, complete it.

Life is a game, play it.

Life is a promise, fulfill it.

Life is sorrow, overcome it.

Life is a song, sing it.

Life is a struggle, accept it.

Life is a tragedy, confront it.

Life is an adventure, dare it.

Life is luck, make it.

Life is too precious, do not destroy it.

Life is life, fight for it.

Thank you and have nice day!

Don't forget to smile at someone today - you might just make their day (^^,)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Friendship to love

Everything has an END Except...
... Fam(ILY) <= it has (I LOVE YOU)

Move from being just 'fri(END)s' to being fam(ILY) and love one another as Christ loved the church.

~ Can I get an AMEN?

Kind Regards
Lebogang Mokubela
Junior Creative and Marketing Trainee

(Cell) - 0785785781
(Office) - 0113670669

Thursday, May 17, 2012

What can we learn from Jesus about growth?

Luke 2:52 -- "An Jesus grew in wisdom, stature and in favour with God and man"

This verse shows us that growth is not just about physical growth (which is natural) but also mental and social growth.

In Luke 2:41, we are introduced to Jesus as a twelve year old and His 'parents' are anxiously searching for Him, only to find Jesus in the temple where He was teaching. This is a beautiful picture drawn by the scripture - Jesus is twelve years old and where is He found? At the temple, the house of the Lord, where He is teaching and meditating upon the word of God. When you were twelve years old, where would people find you when they looked for you? Even now, where do people go in order to find you? Your true identity is only found in God; when people seek to know you, the only place they can go is to the Father.

Because Jesus spent much of His time reminiscing about God's word, He grew in (1) wisdom. This is a very important lesson, wisdom is not a natural phase you go through, it is intentional. That's why we still get immature grown-ups, but also mature youth. A analogy of "You reap what you sow" is very true in this regard - if you sow God's word, you will reap wisdom.

On another level, Jesus grew in (2) stature - now, stature, is physical growth. Jesus grew older, grew in height, etc. Now this is a natural phase of life, there is nothing much you can do to control it. However, a consistent lie we continue to tell ourselves is that wisdom comes with age, but in Jesus we can see that wisdom is intentional. Age is the mother of experience, not wisdom; wisdom is found in God and God alone.

Lastly, through Jesus we learn another element of growth, which is favour (which also means, good social standing). Jesus grew in favour with God, meaning that God was increasingly pleased by Jesus' wisdom, growth and way of life. Jesus also grew in favour with man, which shows that Jesus had a good influence on people; people wanted to be around Him because of His teachings and wisdom.

Scripture teaches us a lot of things about life, we just do not take the time to fully study the word. Apply what we have learned about growth, that we may be complete in mind (wisdom), body (stature) and favour.
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True Christianity has to with lifestyle more than words, it is a relationship more than a religion.

TRUE Christianity is like a house made out of glass, and all believers are inside the house. People on the outside (unbelievers) do not hear what you say but see your actions.

Do people wish to know God because of your actions or are more and more people running away from being believers because you are just acting like a Christian?
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Monday, May 14, 2012

YILA (Youth In Leadership Awards) - a new initiative by #IAM4G

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Why pray if God can just help me?

I used to ask myself what is the purpose of praying if God can just help me. He knows everything, so why should I pray for something He sees?

I'm sure I am not the only one who has questioned this right? Well, while I was praying yesterday, God revealed the answer to me.

We know we are made in God's image and likeness, and God is Spirit right? And we also know we should pray in truth and in Spirit - see the connection?

Well, the reason why we should pray is that, your likeness is of God which means your spirit has the same power God has, now when you pray in truth and in spirit, you're operating in God's power and whatever that you proclaim will happen.

God needs you to activate this operation and He will do the rest. Do not forget that He has given us free will to do whatever we want and so, He cannot just intervene in our lives without us inviting Him.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Sunday, May 13, 2012

You do not need to fear anything...

Did you know, God has assigned more than 10 000 angels to you?

Ever wondered why people get involved in car accidents but you are always safe? That's because of the angels - the angels of war (led by the arch-angel, Micheal). These angels go in-front of you and protect you.

Acknowledge these angels upon your lives and call upon them in prayer, God assigned them to you, to serve you.

That's God's love for you!
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Two very important lessons I learned today...

Today, I learned two very important lessons. For one, I learned that we are not called into church but we are called to share the church. How? Well, for some, church is a place where they can run to when they have problems - sharing the church is ultimately sharing the love of God and actually being a pillar of strength for all people, whether saved or not.

Secondly, I learned that you never really start loving people until you fast and pray for others more than you pray for yourself. Pastor Fischer said that he has learned that God specifically reveals certain people's problems or burdens to you intentionally - and when that happens, you need to find out what God wants you to do for that person. Sometimes you don't have to do much but pray or just be a shoulder to cry on.

I have a friend, I love her wholeheartedly, and I realized that I am more concerned about her more than I am concerned about myself and I have decided to pray for her throughout the week (as she's going through a tough time) and you know what I realized? Since I have decided to pray for her, I love her even more. This is what God refers to as love.

My neighbour lost his job during the week and after thinking about what Pastor Fischer said, I realized that God made me aware of this, so I can pray, firstly, for my neighbour and secondly guide him in Christ and invite him to church.

I have found the true meaning of love. This is where selfless love starts - where you put people's issues before yours and that's where God will attend to your own issues, in a mighty way.

If you know that someone is going through something, it is not by chance. God wanted you to know because that person's breakthrough lies in your prayers or intervention. Just ask God what He expects you to do.

Go out there and share God's love.
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Saturday, May 12, 2012

My new designs

Design is one of my most pleasurable hobbies. Need something designed? Email me on or call me on +27785785781.

I charge as little as R150 for design. Cheap? Yes!
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Christianity: For those who DO.

You know why certain people, who proclaim to know the bible, don't get far in life or rather in their spiritual walk? They're too busy quoting scriptures rather than living them.

As a parent, you tell your kids to go clean their room, 20 minutes they come back and they say to you "daddy, I memorized what you said, you said I must clean my room - I can even say it in Greek" - do you want your child to clean the room or memorize what you said?

That's what certain people do. They memorize scripture but they do not do what the scripture say. And what does Jesus say? "Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the gates of Heaven, but he who DOES the will of my Father"

Knowing scripture is a very good thing but it loses weight when it is not implemented - the life of a Christian/believer is how you live, not what you memorize.
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Relationships are more intentional than natural...

A few days ago, I was watching TBN and surprisingly they were talking about relationships. But more about how to maintain relationships.

The pastor said something that stuck in my mind, he said, "relationships are more intentional than natural, you have to work very hard on them. Naturally, relationships drift apart unless you work on them".

In Genesis, after Adam and Eve had eaten the fruit, God called out to Adam and asked him a very significant question - God asked Adam, "where are you?". God was not asking for Adam's physical location (obviously God saw where Adam was) but God was actually referring to His relationship with Adam - Adam hid himself from God and thus he separated himself and violated the closeness he had with God. What happened after this? Adam and Eve started blaming each other for eating the fruit - isn't that what we do in our relationships? We blame one another, rather than admitting to our mistakes and restoring the closeness we have for one another.

Now, the title of this note is "is there such a thing as 'the one'" my opinion, there is no such thing. Like the pastor on TBN had said, relationships are more intentional than natural - meaning that whomever you decide to pursue a relationship with (and work on it) is the 'one'. What I mean is that whomever you choose is your one. There's no supernatural force that labelled people as 'meant to be'.

With that said, remember that relationships are intentional - work hard on them, do not play the blame game, respect one another and keep in mind what the bible says, "women submit to your husbands...and men love your wives as Christ loved the church".

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KFO: My Vision, Dream...Burden.

After months and months of contemplating, I have finally decided to host the KFO 2012 event. Those that have been with me or followed my work from the beginning will know that I have hit a lot of stumbling blocks along the way - but isn't that what life, maturity and character are all about?

Facing problems has been, previously, denoted as a bad thing but I have realized that life would be meaningless without trials - after all, life is a test and trust from God.  This is where James 1:2 resides and finds meaning.

I have lost friends, money, trust, money, fans, and even self-confidence since I have pursued this dream and vision that is KFO, but you know what? God has promised me according to Joel 2:25 -27 and I am confident that my dream is renewed. Listen, life is no fairytale hey, but with God you can be rest assured that there is someone with you along the way. And He will never forsake you, and His name is one that is majestic and rolls off the tongue haha, His name is Jesus.

Today, I learned that each person has almost 10 000 angels at their disposal, they are there to serve you, but if you do not realize this, you misuse them. What am I saying? Be in God that you may know what He in-store for you, for His word says, "I have plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a great future..." With that kind of promise, what exactly can fear reside? Faith becomes the order of the day!

So, this is my proclamation - I am back. KFO is back. I may fail 7 seven times but on the 8th try, I will reach my dream - the vision of KFO. The KFO that aims to transform young people, according to their talents, into being sons and daughters in the body of Christ.

I Am Made 4 God's glory (IAM4G) and KFO was given to me as a tool to affirm this declaration.

Dancers? Musicians? Lovers of music and dance? Old and new supporters of KFO? Can we take this forward? Let's move together. I am #IAM4G, this is KFO and we are all about *Quality. Innovation. Service*  

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

The death of Christ means more...

Christ was nailed to the Cross to signify this:

• His feet were nailed so that we can walk with Him according to worship, fellowship & friendship. And no longer according to rituals, ceremonies and laws.

• His hands were nailed (and arms outstretched) to signify that we are embraced by Hos love and His grace is given freely to all.

» That is the message God wanted you to know today. The death of Christ on the Cross was not just about sin.

Kind Regards
Lebogang Mokubela
CEO/Managing Director
TeamKFO Events
A Division of Dios Mismo Entertainment cc

(c) 2778 578 5781
(w) /

Friday, January 27, 2012

My morning conversation with God: Will You Hear Him?

It's really sad how religions hinder the mind sets of people. In essence and all honestly (and all truth), Christ's death wasn't just a death of sin, but a death of principalities, rituals, ceremonies etc. That is essentially why they're no 'rituals' in the New Testament.

Your walk with God is no longer governed by burned offerings, mountain side prayers, covenants, commandments, etc but it is governed by pure friendship (and relationship).

How many times should God shout out for you to hear Him? He does not want to control you, but help you. He does not want you to be some spiritual being, close to a monk (or nun) in comparison, but He wants to be YOUR FRIEND! There are enormous amounts of religions in the world, but NEVER have I heard of a god that wants friendships. You have to submit, perform and conform - that's religion. And your walk with Jehovah is not a religion but friendship.

But how wonderful is the God of Israel, Jehovah? In Ecclesiastes, the prophet says, "God made us simple but we complicate ourselves" - what does that tell you?

Our fellowship, worship and friendship with God was designed to give life in simplicity, yet religions (founded by man) have complicated this.

My brother? My sister? Open your spirit, open your ears and listen...God is calling upon you - He seeks your friendship more than anything you could imagine.

Kind Regards
Lebogang Mokubela
CEO/Senior Marketer
TeamKFO Events
A division of Dios Mismo Entertainment cc

(m) 2778 578 5781

Monday, January 23, 2012

Anointing Service

TCCCE Anointing Service with Bishop A.T. Sibiya

This Sunday, 29 January 2012 @ Christ Centred Church Soshanguve, next to Phillip stadium, block L.

Service starts @ 9H00. Do not miss this anointing service!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Power of Creation...

When God wanted to create fish, He spoke to the sea to produce. So if you want to kill a fish, u need to take it out of the sea (water).

When God wanted to create trees, He spoke to the ground. When you want to kill a tree, take it's roots out of the ground.

When God wanted to create people, He spoke to Himself and said "let us create man in our own image". So if you want to kill a human being, take em out of God's
presence. Doesn't that sound like the plan of devil? To take us out of God's presence?
Kind Regards

Lebogang Mokubela
Mokubela Events
Dios Mismo Entertainment cc

Twitter: @MokubelaEvents

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My new motto in life

#IAM4G - I Am Made 4 God's glory!

Give me God or give me nothing at all.

Christianity is NOT a religion...

Christianity, in many senses, cannot and will never be compared to other religions, because of two underlying factors:

1. Christianity is not religion, it is not governed by customs, rituals or even culture - Christianity is a lifestyle, based on...

2. The understanding that man was created for God's glory (His splendor & affectionate love). So our main focus, as Christians, is not to be spiritual, but to have a love-based relationship with God. The problem is people perceive Christianity to be a difficult thing but the problem actually lies with people, where everyone has their own agenda in life and they cannot fully accept what the will of God wants.

There is no segregation or confusion with Christianity, just a lack of knowledge
Kind Regards

Lebogang Mokubela
Mokubela Events
Dios Mismo Entertainment cc

Twitter: @MokubelaEvents

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Young person? Stand up for what you believe in.

We are in a 'hush generation' characterized by fear of the tongue, of others. Not many understand that the point is to realize that your values surpass any opinion or criticism. What you stand for ultimately becomes your being - young person? Stand up for something.

We live in a country characterized and shaped by the willingness to fight, the willingness to stand up for what is right, and this was shown by the youth of 1976. Their minds were convicted, their values were rooted, and because of this, we can walk the streets of South Africa with freedom as our belt and equality as our shield.

Now, young person of the 21st century, why are you afraid to stand up for what you believe in? You have the 1976 blood running through your veins, yet you sublime and conform yourself to mere attempts of so-called peer pressure.

It is time your values are rooted in conviction. Are you a believer? Then stop living life seeking the acceptance of the world; the TRUTH is, this world will never accept us because we are not of this world - our identity is found in eternity and our homeland is Heaven itself.

We are put on this earth to prepare for eternity - yet again, I say, young person? Fix your mind! Young person? Be rooted in the Gospel! Young person? Open your mouth and Speak! Young person? Stand up for something - stand up for what you believe in.

Kind Regards

Lebogang Mokubela
Mokubela Events
Dios Mismo Entertainment cc

Twitter: @MokubelaEvents

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

My Creation: DFG Poster

This is a poster designed by me, for an upcoming event, hosted by KWR Complexd Dancers.

Want me to design something for you, at a reasonable price? Email me.

DirtyLolli™Clothing Brand

Do not miss this crazy special by one of the most innovative clothing brands, I know.

Hit em up on Twitter: @DirtyLolli

Ever Wondered Why Christ Was Crucified With a Thorn Crown?

Ever wondered Christ was given a thorn crown when He was crucified? Sure, the soldiers wanted to mock Him, but there is a deeper meaning to it. Recently, a friend shared this interesting fact with me.

Before the crucifixion, Christ had cursed the ground, proclaiming that the ground will bare no fruit, but thorns. So the crown was a symbol. Christ lifted the curse, from the ground, to the mind.

In other words, Christ simply made a statement with the thorn crown - which was - whatever you perceive in your mind, will come to pass.

Hence that is why, in the Bible, God says, "guard your mind with all diligence".
Kind Regards

Lebogang Mokubela
Mokubela Events
Dios Mismo Entertainment cc

Twitter: @MokubelaEvents

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Our trip to Warm Baths (December 2011)

Appreciate failure and disappointments

If we could all take time to actually let ourselves see failure and
disappointment in a positive light, we will learn the greatest lessons
through that - I'm a living testimony of that.

I do not know how many times I have been declined in regard to
sponsorship proposals, but every time I was declined, I took time to
fully study this 'skill' that is sponsorships and how it works. And
now? I can win over any company with my proposals. Real talk.

Appreciate failure. Learn. Grow.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I want to...

Is it better to be rich in money or rich in God?

What is better? Monetary stability or God's presence?

I just want to live life in humility. I want to trust God fully, never weary of what people say or what I do not have. I just want to place all my effort in being focused on God and nothing else.

It is no longer about wealth. It is no longer about being powerful. It is no longer about just going to Heaven. I want to be the reason God smiles.

I want to...
I want to...
I want to...

Kind Regards

Lebogang Mokubela
Mokubela Events
Dios Mismo Entertainment cc

Twitter: @MokubelaEvents

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Money loses value everyday: So why place your trust in something that loses value?

Today, at our Sunday service, Pastor Lotti said something that made me
think hard. He said "It took R600 to fill up my petrol tank last year,
and now it takes close to R800 to fill it. Now what does that tell
you? Money loses value, so why put your trust in something that loses

That, in so many ways, is a life changing statement. How many of us
woke up and dedicate our talents, gifts, connections, bodies and our
minds to the pursuit of money? How many of us keep worrying about our
bank balance? But on the other hand, we proudly declare that God comes
first in our lives - how exactly is He first if we dedicate our lives
to the pursuit of money?

Did you know almost every person, used by God, in the Bible, was
beyond rich? Abraham was extremely wealthy, Job was wealthy, David was
wealthy, and the list goes on and on - yet, their very lives were
dedicated to knowing God and being obedient to His voice.

There's a statement Christ said before He ascended into Heaven, He
said that as much miracles and wonders He has performed during His
life on earth, far greater, will we perform, in our time. You know
what that means? The Son of God openly says that we will outperform
Him - imagine that, outperforming the Son of God Himself?! Now, how
exactly will that ever be possibel if our trust is placed in money?

The Bible says, "Keep your lives free of the love of money and be
content with what you have, because God has said, 'never will I leave
you, never will I forsake you'" - so in other words, we have so much
more, in God, than in money.

Christ never prayed for money and material yet He was the richest - in
stature, spirit and in favour with God and man.

It is time we realize what it means to believe in Christ. We need to
come to a point where we think to ourselves, "what's more important to
me? my career, family, car, house, etc? or my relationship with God?"
- personally, I do not want to live my life chasing money, status,
awards, etc and lose God! Sorry, I'd rather be poor.

Thank you and have a pleasant day.

Lebogang Mokubela
CEO, Senior Events Manager & Marketer
Mokubela Events

+2778 578 5781

Day 1 : The-Purpose-Driven-Life

After reading the first chapter of "Purpose Driven Life", last night, I only had one thing going through my mind...

"We were created by God and for God" - meaning our purpose is all about Him - it's not about us/me/you.

Our sole purpose is to live according to His commandments and be in right standing with Him. Purpose has nothing to do with career, family, monetary well-being or even material - our sole purpose to be pure and holy. All these other things will be added.

It's hard to comprehend, but isn't God greater and better than all these things? All we can do is respect Him.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Volunteers Needed!

We need 15 volunteers 4 the CapCity National Youth Awards 2012.

Email your motivational paragraph to

Good Luck
Thank you and have a pleasant day.

Lebogang Mokubela
Event Manager & Marketer

+2778 578 5781

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

The World: As You See It!

This morning, I started reading the book, "True Dreams Do Come True" for the second time and I stumbled upon a statement that hit home.

The statement simply said, 'The World we live in is not out there, it is inside us." And it continues to say, 'It is in our minds, where our dreams dwell'.

It's amazing how author, Dr.John Tibane, said that. The use of his words - I mean it makes you think. A literal translation is 'The world we see is a reflection of the world of our thoughts'.

So now, when you say statements like, 'the world is a cruel place' or 'in this world, true love is hard to find' or 'this world is full of jealousy, hatred and war' - you're actually saying to yourself (and others) that your mind is full of jealousy and in your mind, it is hard to find true love and, lastly, your mind is full of jealousy, hatred and war.

Isn't it amazing how a mere statement can help you realize your 'mistakes' or misconceptions?

There's another statement, where Dr. Tibane says, "change your internal world (dream land) and you will change your external world". Change the way you think and you ultimately change the way you visualize - think positive, see positive.

Ultimately, your way of thinking is conditioned by the density of your dream in life - if your dream is strong enough, it'll change how you see things. You will opportunities where everyone sees dismay, you will see people of potential where people see 'criminals'.

Change the thought process and you change the visual process.


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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

One of my favourite Gospel tracks: Lord, I lift your Name on high

Help me sing the song please?
Okay, let's


Lord, I love to sing Your praises
I'm so glad Your in my life
I'm so glad You came to save us
You came from heaven to earth
To show the way
From the earth to the cross
My debt to pay
From the cross to the grave
From the grave to the sky

Lord, I lift Your name on high
Lord, I lift Your name on high
Lord, I love to sing Your praises
I'm so glad Your in my life
I'm so glad You came to save us
You came from heaven to earth
To show the way
From the earth to the cross
My debt to pay
From the cross to the grave
From the grave to the sky
Lord, I lift Your name on high
(repeat 2X)

Monday, January 9, 2012

What It Means To Pray In The Spirit.

Yesterday, as I was reading about the armour of God, with a friend of mine, we came across Ephesians 6:18, which says, "Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit..."

And I began to question the part about praying 'in the Spirit'. What does it really mean to pray in the Spirit?

As I continued questioning this, my friend said something that made sense and it painted a whole picture...

John 4:24 says, "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in (Spirit) and (truth)."

Now, what I understand from the scripture is that we are to go to God, firstly, in Spirit, and in truth. So essentially, it would make perfect sense to say that to be in truth is to be in Spirit.

So how does this all connect with praying in Spirit? Well, the connection is this - to pray in Spirit basically means that we must go to God with all honestly. We shouldn't lie to ourselves (and God) and utter prayers that mean nothing to us.

We must go to God the same way we'd approach our friends, when we have a problem - in truth - there is absolutely no need to customize your words and try to 'charm' God with a fancy vocabulary. Just be you, tell God your problem.

Acknowledge that God can be anything you want Him to become - your friend, comforter, He can guide you, transform you, feed you, supply for you! He is everything and anything.

Do not limit God. Go to Him with an open mind but most importantly, go to God in the sense of companionship - speak in all honesty with Him, and tell Him exactly how you feel.

That's God for you - no judgment, just peace.

2012, declared the year of information & knowledge

The Victory Fellowship Christian Church has declared 2012 as "the year of information & knowledge".

I looked further into this declaration, and what better place to seek answers than in the Bible?

So,I asked God to reveal to me if there's any truth in this declaration and He said to me, "Lebo, this is 2012 - so go into my word, find the 20th book and read the 12th chapter, only verse one"

And so I did that, of which:

- The 20th book of the Bible is Proverbs
- So the scripture of reference is Proverbs 12:1, which states:

"WHOEVER LOVES instruction and correction loves KNOWLEDGE, but he who hates reproof is like a brute beast, stupid and indiscriminating." -- Amplified Version

This is a testimony, that the Word of the Lord (the Bible) will forever be relevant in every regard, situation, influence, circumstance, business principle, relationships, etc etc.

There's more to colour...

There is more to colour than people think!

Did you know blue & yellow spark creativity and imagination? And green is a calming colour?

A place we see green used is in the "green room" of theaters or television studios because nervous performers are quieted by the color.

This is also the reason surgeons wear green scrubs. Hospital waiting rooms, psychiatric wards, and prison cells often paint their walls green for the same effect.


It Takes Hard Work!

As I continue setting up plans to re-brand Mokubela Events, I get the notion that building a company from scratch is a lot of work, on the real. There's issues of branding, marketing, internal communications, product and/or service innovations, public relations, human resource, finances, etc etc.

The day Mokubela Events becomes a billion pound company, I'm going look back and just give off a HUGE sigh.

But, in the end, it takes hard work to rip the rewards.

Yes South Africa, take that stand!

Good Morning South Africa!!!!

Let us wake up and take a stand in our growth as creative and able minds! Let us dominate the global markets with our innovations, inventions and creations!

#ProudlySouthAfrican is what I am!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

012 Movement presents: Masquerade Ball

012 Movement Presents:: Masquerade Ball 2-012

012 Entertainment CEO, "Liquid" had this to say about their event:

"Masquerade Ball is the most elegant classy event ever to be hosted in Pretoria for the first time, this event is targeted at young adults of Tshwane it is a red carpet event. Masquerade ball is an event that's going too filled with dancing, excitement but yet formality in it, the event will have best performances from all around Gauteng I'm talking about your best dance crews, best singers, rappers and poets, live bands and comedians.

* Massive giveaways and an atmosphere filled with Love and Intimate Dancing all night. 012 Back at it again!!!!! Masquerade Ball the event to be at, hihihi you can come in pairs or singles we going to have fun at the end of day!!!!!

*Red Carpet event
*Candle Light
*Love Atmosphere
*Chocolates all over
*Open Mic for the Love Birds Out there
*Most Powerful Romantic Music you've ever heard
*Beautiful Masks Worn by Beautiful People
*Flavored Smoke Machines

Time: 6pm till 10:30pm
Dress Code: Formal
Damage R80 Pre-sold R100 At the Door
Venue:City Hall Pretoria"

Today's Inspirational Quote

Today's Inspirational Quote:

"You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close
the door on the past. You don't try to forget the mistakes,
but you don't dwell on it. You don't let it have any of your
energy, or any of your time, or any of your space."

-- Johnny Cash

Kind Regards

Lebogang Mokubela
Mokubela Events
Dios Mismo Entertainment cc

Twitter: @MokubelaEvents

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Like (and share) this picture if you agree that South Africa is beautiful country...

Facebook us!

This is the part where I kindly ask everyone to LIKE my company's Facebook page...

Inspirational quote

"Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but
to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul."

-- Samuel Ullman

Talent Under the Spotlight

As many may know, I wrote a book titled "The purpose of Purpose" and it has received pleasing and positive feedback.

Earlier today, I received an email from the management team of , who told me that my book and I have been featured on their website, under the "Talent Under the Spotlight" section on their homepage.

So please visit the site, on and view the feature.

Much appreciated.

Can artists start being different?

I woke up this morning to so many links on my BBM, from aspiring artists asking me to download their tracks, and a question came to mind...

Can artists start being different though? I mean there's hundreds of aspiring artists, in Pretoria alone, and it gets rather irritating (and loses meaning) when everyone goes "please download my song". This whole download thing has been done to death!

If you really want to make a name for yourself ask yourself these questions - whatever happened to plain old hard work? Whatever happened to working your butt off to send in your 'demo' to a radio station for air-play? How about you work hard and get a feature on a magazine, TV show or a music website?

There's a group called "Smart Boyz" in Pretoria, if there's anything I like about those guys, it has to be their UNIQUE selling strategy. They stand at Sammy Marks Shopping Centre, and approach people with headphones (playing their music) and thus they sell a lot of mix tapes.
Yesterday, I wrote a post about marketing. This is where marketing kicks in - marketing involves a strategy, with multiple advertising mediums. Not one thing.

A word of advice? Sometimes, it's not a bad thing to go back to 'old school' methods and serious hard work can get you far.

This download thing is a ✗✗✗


Like the "Mokubela Events" Facebook page please!

I kindly ask that you like the "Mokubela Events" facebook page, in order to stay up to date with our events but, most importantly, to interact with us.

The link:


Friday, January 6, 2012

Registrations for RED BULL BEAT BATTLE 2012 are now open!

Good news for all house, sbhujwa, hiphop, pantsula and krump groups - the time has come to register for the Red Bull Beat Battle 2012 event.

Get routines ready. Get uniforms on point. And let's do this.

Register now on -

All the best.

Red Bull Beat Battle Event 2011

Red Bull Beat Battle? W.O.W! That's all I could say after such a beautiful, entertaining and norm-breaking night.

Red Bull knows how to host an event, moreover giving young people an opportunity to show off their talents to the masses.

The night was filled with an entertaining line-up of dancers, from different regions and dance styles. Performances by AKA, Khuli Chana, Professor & Dj Oskido contributed to an overall 5-star event.

The highlight of the evening has to be Professor! I'm not really a house/kwaito type of person, but damn, Professor knows how to entertain and liven up a crowd. I was most impressed by him.

Well done to Artistic Intelligence, from JHB, for winning the competition. 2012? Who will it be? We shall see.

Major props to Thithi and the Red Bull team - that was a wonderfully executed show. The only part I didn't like was the fact that not much people were given a chance to be part of the competition.

Red Bull should consider having auditions throughout the year, in different regions, including Pretoria.

Besides all of that, I look forward to partnering with the Red Bull Beat Battle team this year.

Inspirational quote of the day

"Do Something. If it works, do more of it. If it doesn't, do something else."

-- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Happiness is a choice: You choose to move on or waste away your life being bitter and depressed.

Have you ever loved a person to a point where you were someone else when you're with them? Not that you take on a new persona, but you become the best version of yourself.

It is hard losing that type of person, isn't it? Especially when you prayed so much, for the relationship. Especially when you had so many plans and a future you were eagerly looking forward to.

Now you feel as if no one will ever be good enough to fill that space. When you look at other people, it's hard for you to imagine yourself with anyone else. Yet, the sad truth is that when you hold on, you're only hurting yourself - especially, when the person you're holding on to, let go of you a long time ago.

What's the best thing to do? Give yourself a chance to love again. Never ever deprive yourself and the world of your ability to love, just because someone failed to see your worth.

Happiness is a choice, honestly. If you choose to cocoon yourself in guilt and in the "could have been" mentality, you're only depriving yourself of happiness.

That person let YOU go, now who's problem is that? It is certainly not yours.

I do not believe in the notion that time will heal - where exactly in the Bible did time ever heal anyone? Time does not heal - Jesus does. He is the author of time, in any case.

Get up. Dust yourself up. Look at your past and wave goodbye. Put a smile on your face & Love again!

It is truly worth it.

New logo. New name. New corporate culture.

The Time Will Come: Will You Be Caught Up?

This morning, as I was still sleeping, my grandfather woke me up and asked me to 'fix' the radio for him. Apparently it didn't work and someone had 'changed' it. As I walked up to the radio, while sleep-gazed eyes, I noticed that the problem was that he had press the TUNER button twice, which means it shifted from FM to AM, and he had no idea.

So I was walking back to my room, I thought to myself, the time will come where technology will beat my capable mind, a time will come where we will forget certain things, certain names and certain tasks. A time will come, and will age catch me? Will I be caught up in age's ancient trap? A trap that had subdued generations and numbers before my time.

Is there a remedy? Yes! To live in such a way that age is preserved. And how is that possible? God!

God is the author of time; he can play, pause, fast forward, rewind and skip at any given moment.

Have you asked yourself how Adam was kept alive until the age of over 800 years? It was certainly God!

But! But! This time-capturing 'miracle' is only tapped through obedience and relationship. If our relationship with God is so strong that it moves His heart; a relationship and a level of obedience that can change His mind by a mere utter of words.

I think it is high time, we young people, came back to God, not for 'things' we want, but to restore the obedience and relationship with Him!

How much more will we conquer with God as a friend, brother & Father, rather than a safety-mechanism?

Marketing: A message to all aspiring musical artists

I sit here with two CDs next to me, of which belong to Melo. And I can't help but think that, the problem is not that we do not have talented musicians in South Africa, but rather the problem is that very few musicians understand the concept of marketing.

In business, there's a saying that goes like "you might have a brilliant idea but if no one knows about it, then it is useless". So in other words, if you do not market your music to people, how will they know you exist?

Before you go to work on an album or mixtape, take more time to plan out a clear strategy on how you're going to market yourself. And the truth of the matter is, you do not need that much money to have a strategic, powerful and result-generating strategy.

Research. Strategize. Apply. Evaluate.
That's it.

The world is waiting for you, and for your music. The world is waiting to dance to your music, to reminisce on your music, to make love to your music - the world awaits you, let them know you have arrived!

All the best.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

CapCity Awards 2012

The CapCity Awards 2012 event...

Bonang? Minnie? Tshego? Dineo Ranaka? How about Sizwe Dhlomo? Well, here's an opportunity to choose who you would like to MC at the CapCity Awards 2012.

Visit and cast your vote on the polls.

Thank you.

The purpose of Purpose

My first book, titled 'the purpose of Purpose', has been released and it has received a considerable amount of feedback.

Please download this book (it's free) and tell me what you think.

The link is:

Mokubela Events

After two years operating as TeamKFO Events, we, as the management and founders of TeamKFO Events have decided to re-brand and re-launch the company under the name "Mokubela Events".

We hope you will support us, as you have for the past two years.