Saturday, May 12, 2012

My new designs

Design is one of my most pleasurable hobbies. Need something designed? Email me on or call me on +27785785781.

I charge as little as R150 for design. Cheap? Yes!
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Christianity: For those who DO.

You know why certain people, who proclaim to know the bible, don't get far in life or rather in their spiritual walk? They're too busy quoting scriptures rather than living them.

As a parent, you tell your kids to go clean their room, 20 minutes they come back and they say to you "daddy, I memorized what you said, you said I must clean my room - I can even say it in Greek" - do you want your child to clean the room or memorize what you said?

That's what certain people do. They memorize scripture but they do not do what the scripture say. And what does Jesus say? "Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the gates of Heaven, but he who DOES the will of my Father"

Knowing scripture is a very good thing but it loses weight when it is not implemented - the life of a Christian/believer is how you live, not what you memorize.
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Relationships are more intentional than natural...

A few days ago, I was watching TBN and surprisingly they were talking about relationships. But more about how to maintain relationships.

The pastor said something that stuck in my mind, he said, "relationships are more intentional than natural, you have to work very hard on them. Naturally, relationships drift apart unless you work on them".

In Genesis, after Adam and Eve had eaten the fruit, God called out to Adam and asked him a very significant question - God asked Adam, "where are you?". God was not asking for Adam's physical location (obviously God saw where Adam was) but God was actually referring to His relationship with Adam - Adam hid himself from God and thus he separated himself and violated the closeness he had with God. What happened after this? Adam and Eve started blaming each other for eating the fruit - isn't that what we do in our relationships? We blame one another, rather than admitting to our mistakes and restoring the closeness we have for one another.

Now, the title of this note is "is there such a thing as 'the one'" my opinion, there is no such thing. Like the pastor on TBN had said, relationships are more intentional than natural - meaning that whomever you decide to pursue a relationship with (and work on it) is the 'one'. What I mean is that whomever you choose is your one. There's no supernatural force that labelled people as 'meant to be'.

With that said, remember that relationships are intentional - work hard on them, do not play the blame game, respect one another and keep in mind what the bible says, "women submit to your husbands...and men love your wives as Christ loved the church".

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KFO: My Vision, Dream...Burden.

After months and months of contemplating, I have finally decided to host the KFO 2012 event. Those that have been with me or followed my work from the beginning will know that I have hit a lot of stumbling blocks along the way - but isn't that what life, maturity and character are all about?

Facing problems has been, previously, denoted as a bad thing but I have realized that life would be meaningless without trials - after all, life is a test and trust from God.  This is where James 1:2 resides and finds meaning.

I have lost friends, money, trust, money, fans, and even self-confidence since I have pursued this dream and vision that is KFO, but you know what? God has promised me according to Joel 2:25 -27 and I am confident that my dream is renewed. Listen, life is no fairytale hey, but with God you can be rest assured that there is someone with you along the way. And He will never forsake you, and His name is one that is majestic and rolls off the tongue haha, His name is Jesus.

Today, I learned that each person has almost 10 000 angels at their disposal, they are there to serve you, but if you do not realize this, you misuse them. What am I saying? Be in God that you may know what He in-store for you, for His word says, "I have plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a great future..." With that kind of promise, what exactly can fear reside? Faith becomes the order of the day!

So, this is my proclamation - I am back. KFO is back. I may fail 7 seven times but on the 8th try, I will reach my dream - the vision of KFO. The KFO that aims to transform young people, according to their talents, into being sons and daughters in the body of Christ.

I Am Made 4 God's glory (IAM4G) and KFO was given to me as a tool to affirm this declaration.

Dancers? Musicians? Lovers of music and dance? Old and new supporters of KFO? Can we take this forward? Let's move together. I am #IAM4G, this is KFO and we are all about *Quality. Innovation. Service*  

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