Saturday, January 7, 2012
Inspirational quote
to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul."
-- Samuel Ullman
Talent Under the Spotlight
Earlier today, I received an email from the management team of , who told me that my book and I have been featured on their website, under the "Talent Under the Spotlight" section on their homepage.
So please visit the site, on and view the feature.
Much appreciated.
Can artists start being different?
Can artists start being different though? I mean there's hundreds of aspiring artists, in Pretoria alone, and it gets rather irritating (and loses meaning) when everyone goes "please download my song". This whole download thing has been done to death!
If you really want to make a name for yourself ask yourself these questions - whatever happened to plain old hard work? Whatever happened to working your butt off to send in your 'demo' to a radio station for air-play? How about you work hard and get a feature on a magazine, TV show or a music website?
There's a group called "Smart Boyz" in Pretoria, if there's anything I like about those guys, it has to be their UNIQUE selling strategy. They stand at Sammy Marks Shopping Centre, and approach people with headphones (playing their music) and thus they sell a lot of mix tapes.
Yesterday, I wrote a post about marketing. This is where marketing kicks in - marketing involves a strategy, with multiple advertising mediums. Not one thing.
A word of advice? Sometimes, it's not a bad thing to go back to 'old school' methods and serious hard work can get you far.
This download thing is a ✗✗✗
Like the "Mokubela Events" Facebook page please!
The link:
Friday, January 6, 2012
Registrations for RED BULL BEAT BATTLE 2012 are now open!
Get routines ready. Get uniforms on point. And let's do this.
Register now on -
All the best.
Red Bull Beat Battle Event 2011
Red Bull knows how to host an event, moreover giving young people an opportunity to show off their talents to the masses.
The night was filled with an entertaining line-up of dancers, from different regions and dance styles. Performances by AKA, Khuli Chana, Professor & Dj Oskido contributed to an overall 5-star event.
The highlight of the evening has to be Professor! I'm not really a house/kwaito type of person, but damn, Professor knows how to entertain and liven up a crowd. I was most impressed by him.
Well done to Artistic Intelligence, from JHB, for winning the competition. 2012? Who will it be? We shall see.
Major props to Thithi and the Red Bull team - that was a wonderfully executed show. The only part I didn't like was the fact that not much people were given a chance to be part of the competition.
Red Bull should consider having auditions throughout the year, in different regions, including Pretoria.
Besides all of that, I look forward to partnering with the Red Bull Beat Battle team this year.
Inspirational quote of the day
-- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Happiness is a choice: You choose to move on or waste away your life being bitter and depressed.
It is hard losing that type of person, isn't it? Especially when you prayed so much, for the relationship. Especially when you had so many plans and a future you were eagerly looking forward to.
Now you feel as if no one will ever be good enough to fill that space. When you look at other people, it's hard for you to imagine yourself with anyone else. Yet, the sad truth is that when you hold on, you're only hurting yourself - especially, when the person you're holding on to, let go of you a long time ago.
What's the best thing to do? Give yourself a chance to love again. Never ever deprive yourself and the world of your ability to love, just because someone failed to see your worth.
Happiness is a choice, honestly. If you choose to cocoon yourself in guilt and in the "could have been" mentality, you're only depriving yourself of happiness.
That person let YOU go, now who's problem is that? It is certainly not yours.
I do not believe in the notion that time will heal - where exactly in the Bible did time ever heal anyone? Time does not heal - Jesus does. He is the author of time, in any case.
Get up. Dust yourself up. Look at your past and wave goodbye. Put a smile on your face & Love again!
It is truly worth it.
The Time Will Come: Will You Be Caught Up?
So I was walking back to my room, I thought to myself, the time will come where technology will beat my capable mind, a time will come where we will forget certain things, certain names and certain tasks. A time will come, and will age catch me? Will I be caught up in age's ancient trap? A trap that had subdued generations and numbers before my time.
Is there a remedy? Yes! To live in such a way that age is preserved. And how is that possible? God!
God is the author of time; he can play, pause, fast forward, rewind and skip at any given moment.
Have you asked yourself how Adam was kept alive until the age of over 800 years? It was certainly God!
But! But! This time-capturing 'miracle' is only tapped through obedience and relationship. If our relationship with God is so strong that it moves His heart; a relationship and a level of obedience that can change His mind by a mere utter of words.
I think it is high time, we young people, came back to God, not for 'things' we want, but to restore the obedience and relationship with Him!
How much more will we conquer with God as a friend, brother & Father, rather than a safety-mechanism?
Marketing: A message to all aspiring musical artists
In business, there's a saying that goes like "you might have a brilliant idea but if no one knows about it, then it is useless". So in other words, if you do not market your music to people, how will they know you exist?
Before you go to work on an album or mixtape, take more time to plan out a clear strategy on how you're going to market yourself. And the truth of the matter is, you do not need that much money to have a strategic, powerful and result-generating strategy.
Research. Strategize. Apply. Evaluate.
That's it.
The world is waiting for you, and for your music. The world is waiting to dance to your music, to reminisce on your music, to make love to your music - the world awaits you, let them know you have arrived!
All the best.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
CapCity Awards 2012
Bonang? Minnie? Tshego? Dineo Ranaka? How about Sizwe Dhlomo? Well, here's an opportunity to choose who you would like to MC at the CapCity Awards 2012.
Visit and cast your vote on the polls.
Thank you.
The purpose of Purpose
Please download this book (it's free) and tell me what you think.
The link is:
Mokubela Events
We hope you will support us, as you have for the past two years.