Like any other person, I have questions, about God, that I ask myself and in my journey of seeking the answers, I found one common answer to everything…
That answer is: It is very important to establish a relationship with God and get to know Him in your own unique way, not the way we are taught or told. I believe the best connection with God is experienced when we know Him personally. A personal relationship with God is basis to a steadfast, presence- rooted faith.
One thing I always say is, there is certainly more to life than what we are currently living or experiencing…I believe it goes further than purpose. What is it you ask? I call it vision.
We need to walk in the vision God has given us, with faith, power and confidence in the truth that God is on our side. We are saved…we are LEADERS. We are to be intentional in saturating the ‘unsaved’ with God’s knowledge and wisdom. A true leader is one that leads according to Christ-influenced principles, and that is compassion, compromise and commitment. On the other hand, we do not need to compromise what we believe in to be successful; success is merely achieving a goal.
So now how do we succeed in life? The Word openly says it, “First seek the Kingdom of God, and everything will be given unto you” & “in all accordance, have reverence for God, and surely you will be successful”. In support of the Word, there is a question we need to ask ourselves, whether now or in the near future, the question is- “Where is God in your career/life/relationship pursuit?” Most of the time we pray for success so much that we forget that we are called for so much more; personally, I believe there is so much more to life then acquiring wealth, there is so much more to God then giving blessings. Recently, I learned, from a friend, that the beauty of God’s Creation, is revealed in nature…have doubts about God? Just take some time to look around you; how great is our God?
In our pursuit of success, we get frustrated when things do not happen in the moment that we need them to, but like the Scripture says “just like we do not know what mysteries take place inside a pregnant woman’s womb, we do not know the mysteries God performs in the supernatural” so all we can do is be patient, pray, trust, and believe that God is working, but only if what we pray for is in accordance to His will. Basically, we are to pray more for God’s perfect will upon our lives. And in the journey of realizing God’s will, He will be working inside you, breaking you and molding you into the person you are destined to become. “God is not entirely concerned with where we land (success), but who we become along the way”. In every trial, God is working to reveal certain traits we possess that are not efficiently utilized. God will start to shape our lives in ways we cannot imagine; if only we let Him.
Recently, I have been looking back at my life and analyzing what God has done in my life and all I can do is marvel at His work, in my life, and I also made an important realization- the Word declares that if we do not utilize our gifts, they will be taken away from us. But if we utilize them in such a way that they add value to other people’s lives, God reveals more gifts to us. And I kept thinking, as long as we keep utilizing our gifts for the benefit of others, we, too, grow beyond measure (think about it)…and as we grow, we outgrow our problems and limitations.
I started dancing in 2007, and basically I pushed myself to a point where I elevated my dancing, and became one of the most recognized dancers in Pretoria. From this elevation in dancing, I realized my events coordinating and leadership skills, through KFO and being a youth leader, and soon after that I realized my marketing skills, then my graphic design skills, and now as I am currently utilizing my gifts as best as I can, God has revealed to me that I have the gift of speaking (motivation), which I am still learning. So this shows truth in the Scripture, “If we do not utilize your gifts, they will be taken away from you. But if you utilize them in such a way that they add value to other people’s lives, God reveals more gifts to you”
I wrote this to inspire you to continue your work in Christ, to continue to dream, to continue utilizing your gifts, to the benefit of others. As I believe my key task as a leader is to share my knowledge and wisdom God has given me, I truly hope and pray that I have inspired you pursue your dreams in all diligence and to remember Christ in everything, for the Word declares, “…everything is held together within Him…”
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